- How long does it take to setup the HR Feature?
- How to enable the integration for the HR Sync
- Can we change an employee's email with HR sync?
- Does an employee's account get disabled if the employee is disabled on the HR system side?
- If the employee is created, does it fill the address too?
- Can we filter employees synced to the platform and will non-active employees get synced?
- What happens upon sync? Does a new user automatically get an invitation mail?
- I uploaded all employees without sending an invitation. Can I still send an invitation at a later moment?
- If an employee moves, is the address change automatically synced over?
- What is the benefit of using the HR integration when you have SSO?
- If I change a user's team after they have been synced, will they still be deactivated when they leave the company?
- How does it work if we already have users on Workwize but need to switch to the HR integration?