Please note: Bulk orders can be placed when you order more than 10 items of the same product or when your order value exceeds €10000 for the same product. We can only request quotes for orders placed to a warehouse.
You can request a quote through the order feature on the platform, by following these steps:
- Go to "orders" listed in the menu on the left.
- Click on "create order" on the top right.
- Pick a location for your order and add the product you'd like to buy in the amount needed.
- The "request quote" feature should be appearing in the top right corner, next to "place order".
For a more detailed explanation, you can have a look at this video:
After you've requested the quote, the order will appear in your orders as waiting for approval, while our Operations team is getting the best price for you. The price will be confirmed with you, before the order is placed.
If you have any additional questions or require further support, feel free to contact us. We're here to help!