Please note: This swap is only applicable within the administrative system. You will need to manage the actual physical swap between your employees outside of the platform.
To initiate a swap or exchange products between employees, please follow these steps:
Step 1. Select "Employees" from the Employee menu
Navigate to the "Employees" section under the Asset Management menu on the left-hand side.
Step 2. Select the person and click on "Manage Asset"
Select the person from whom you want to perform the swap by clicking on "Manage Asset."On the right-hand side, click on the middle button labeled "Update Location."
Step 3. Select the new owner
Find the new owner of the item from the available options. by searching by employee name. Select the employee, and click Update location. The asset will be instantly moved from one employee to the new owner.
If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to start a chat with us via the Zendesk chat option or visit our Help Center.